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Light of Hope

We believe in being a beauty brand that gives

By producing purposeful and obsession-worthy beauty products from the purest ingredients, we've created a charity that gives back.

Light of Hope is our philanthropic focus where our company believes in bringing hope. We partner with some pretty incredible organisations that have the same vision as us: to break the cycle of poverty.

Here is an update on one of our life changing Light of Hope programs, our orphanage in India, that is truly doing incredible things. We hope this story inspires you.

Recently, our Light of Hope Children’s Home in Vuyyuru, India welcomed five new children to care for. This family of five, Esther, Elijah, Joshua, Joel and David were named by our beautiful founder and the heart and soul behind Light of Hope, Sandra Fittler. When we received the news that these children arrived in our safe haven our hearts leapt with joy knowing that these little ones will have a caring and nurturing environment to grow up in.

Unfortunately these five beautiful children did not have the greatest start to life. They were found by the Indian police homeless and wandering from place to place begging in the slums of India. The police officer took them off the streets and contacted our team at the Light of Hope Children's Home.

Our amazing team took them in with open arms; gave them haircuts, a bath and new clothes to wear. Now, after being fed nutritious meals and having a place to sleep, the children's lives have been transformed. To take it a step further, our Children's Home educates the children and for the first time in their lives these five are learning to read and write.

Here are the photos of them that our team in India have sent us:

This is what the leader of the Light of Hope Children’s Home has said:
“When we see their faces, I am so delighted and their expressions make me very joyful. It brings me a new passion to serve these children. Thank you Sandra Fittler and all our Grace Cosmetics customers for giving us this privilege to serve these children.” Jetty Joshi Kumar

The team couldn’t have made an impact like this without your support. Thank you so much everyone for constantly shopping and sharing Light of Hope with others.

There are more children we can help bring out of poverty, but we can only do more together. Let’s continue to use our buying power to make the world a better place.


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